There's a time and place for both forms of marketing but knowing WHEN to use each is key to success.
The long term life cycle of your business requires a multi-pronged approach to marketing. Yes we should only focus on what is actually working, not just throw spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks, but we also need to be as diversified in our approach to marketing & sales as would with our investment portfolio.
This webinar will walk through:
- What tactics are included in traditional marketing compared to relationship marketing
- The benefits of each approach
- When you can (and should!) focus on one approach vs. the other
- Why using both is a winning formula for LONG TERM business success
- How beneficial relationship marketing can be when life is crazy, yet business still needs to get done
Stop sweating social media, email marketing, and wondering if you are you doing enough to market your business. You’re probably doing more than you realize and this webinar will help you identify which marketing tactics you ARE doing and when is the RIGHT TIME for each.
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