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Wedding Details

Sunday, 05 November 2017
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21th Street, NY

+1 843-853-1810

2025_April_ Homepage__H1 copy

Award-winning marketing communications agency for small businesses

Oh hey! I’m Channing 👋🏻

I founded this agency to help event professionals and small business owners increase your brand awareness and revenue through refined branding, marketing and public relations tactics that directly connect to a profitable sales strategy.


And yes, we CAN do this without losing your desired schedule and business model. It’s not about recreating our business, but rather helping you create YOUR ideal business


All of this requires, you guessed it, clear and effective communications from the first touch time a prospective client meets your brand all the way through the lead nurture, qualifying and sales steps.  


Are you looking to:

→ outsource your marketing needs,

→ learn how to generate & qualify leads more effectively, or…

→ have a team who live and breathe this stuff as your go-to support when you have questions? 


If you said “YES!” to any of these, you are in the right place.


Now let’s get to work on those business goals, shall we? 

As Seen In...

Latest Education and Marketing Tutorials

We research, test and write. You get a cheat sheet to more efficient marketing. Boom!

Get Started

Ready to see your brand awareness increase and ideal business model become reality? It all starts with a 1-1 consultation to see if we're the right fit.

*NEW* Website Projects REVEALED!!!

Get an idea of how pretty and EFFECTIVE your site could be by working with DCM.