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Wedding Details

Sunday, 05 November 2017
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Mas Montagnette,
198 West 21th Street, NY

+1 843-853-1810


Develop Brand Loyalty By Speaking Out

speaking out on important issues and public speaking

Develop Brand Loyalty By Speaking Out

Determining when is the right time to speak out on current events from both the perspective of your business or your personal brand is a challenging task for anyone.


I’ll admit, I have been struggling with this question myself. Then I figured out the answer (after months of research, social listening, and self reflection) so now I’m going to share that with you in hopes you can benefit from all of my work and time put into this.


Here’s the deal:


It’s no longer a question of IF you should speak out, but rather how to do it effectively.


By sharing your thoughts online (albeit in a polite and positive way), you will attract your ideal audience. Your tribe. Your ambassadors. Your advocates. Whatever you call them, they want to find you and stick with you, but they do that by knowing where you stand on the issues that matter the most to them.


Not sold? Think about it like this:


Would you rather lose a client because of what you didn’t say or because of what your competitor did say?


Because that is what will happen. Consumers (you included) are looking to support and align themselves with brands who share the same values they do. In fact, that is nothing new. It’s the same reason you choose to work at one company over another: the culture and company values.


Sure, money is important, but it’s not just a salary that got you to take that any of your previous jobs before branching out on your own. It was the fact that the culture of the company demonstrated traits you wanted to align yourself with. Traits like time to create, autonomy, teamwork, focus of family, drive, consistency, innovation, pushing the envelope, longevity, etc.


The “Know Like Trust” factor comes into play when we choose employers and when we are networking so why wouldn’t it come into play with where we spend our money? Exactly! It does. By making your position clear, you will attract those whose values align with your own and more often than not, their brand loyalty will be secured for life.


Not convinced yet? I’ve got even more thoughts in my latest article for Thrive Global. Keep reading. Keep learning.


Have you already spoken out and made your position on the issues clear? Let me hear it in the comments. How did it go over? What was the final straw for you to make your (or your company’s) stance known and how was it received?

Channing Muller is an award winning marketing & public relations consultant and the principal of DCM Communications. She works with event professionals and business owners to grow and scale their businesses with refined marketing strategies developed through one-on-one and group consulting, customized marketing programs and public relations. She has been named a "25 Young Event Pro to Watch" by Special Events magazine and "40 Under 40" by Connect Meetings. Channing is an avid runner, lover of labrador retrievers, good food, delicious drinks, and an advocate for the American Heart Association. Follow her on Instagram @ChanningMuller.

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