Tips for Creating Customer Loyalty
There has been a shift in how consumers are spending money since the pandemic began and creating customer loyalty is even more important now.
First Steps of Executing A Rebrand
When it comes to rebranding a business, you need to do it carefully in order to keep the brand equity you've built. Here are the first steps.
When A Pretty Logo Is No Longer the RIGHT Logo
Sometimes the pretty logo isn't the right one for your business. Creating the RIGHT logo design requires more than aesthetics to be considered.
Why Effective Event Marketing Includes A Focus On Branding
Event marketing is a hot topic these days, and rightly so. Marketing your event is what gets the details and message out to the public to draw in ticket sales, donors, or product sales. But don't get so caught up in the traditional forms of event marketing (social media promos, email marketing, advertising) that you forget about branding the event itself. Let me explain...