Video Tutorial: How to Optimize Images for Search
This video will walk you through exactly how I optimize the images for all websites I design and redesign, including my own, for a solid SEO strategy.
How To Choose A Marketing or Business Consultant
The title "consultant" has always been a very vague term used by people who didn't always want to explain what they actually do. Conversations often ran something like this:
Party A: "I work in (insert field everyone understands). What do you do?"
Party B: "Oh, I'm a consultant."
Party A: (looks puzzled but nods in agreement like it all makes perfect sense)
While our explanation of a consultant is usually preceded by a qualifier or followed by an explanation, at it is for those of us who understand how lead generation works, the proliferation of consultants has increased significantly as society moves to an online working environment with flexible schedules.
Advertising Insights Everyone Needs To Know
Whether it's a boosted post on social media, banner ads on a website, or print ads in your target publication, there is a right and wrong way to design your advertising. Start off on the right foot with these tips.